Friday, 4 December 2015

Last nights 2V2 with ENC Clan

Watch live video from ENCGamingNetwork on

Torresu23 & me - The_Elzi_Scroll_ 
Vickyplum2 & Jessemagee112

The ENC Gaming Network & Twisted Dragon Gaming, brotherhood Clans.

Torresu & I won 80-70. 
Torresu in 1st place - (me) The_Elzi_Scroll_ in 2nd.

Torresu23 body count - 42 kills
(My) The_Elzi_Scroll_ body count - 38 kills 
Jessemagee112 body count - 36 kills
Vickyplum2 body count - 34 kills.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Update 30/10/15 - Magic: The Gathering - Casual Night - Part 1!

So we’re having another night of Magic: The Gathering here at the Twisted Dragon Gaming and Hobbies.
We’ve welcomed Dai and Jack so far into the store, who are sorting their decks as we speak!
It’s £3 entry and a free can. Games start at 7:30pm. But that doesn’t mean you can’t come in and take a seat.
If you do, don’t forget your DCI Number.
If you don’t have one – If you can’t get online to get yourself a DCI number, we can do it here for you.

Hope to see you soon :)

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Magic: The Gathering - Part 3! 21:40

Our first Gatherers of the week are Chris Lewis, Jack Bateman, Caeron Lewis, Luke Parker, Harry Bateman & Tom Wiltshire.
Thank again guys for coming to the Twisted Dragon Gaming and Hobbies to join our first Magic: The Gathering Casual Night!

It’s been fun!

Magic the Gathering Part 2! - 20:20.

Our first Gatherers of the week are Chris Lewis, Jack Bateman, Caeron Lewis, Luke Parker & Harry Bateman.

Welcome Guys and once again thank you for coming to the Twisted Dragon Gaming and Hobbies to join our first Magic: The Gathering Casual Night!

Magic: The Gathering Casual Night - Part 1! 18:40

Our first Gatherers of the early night are Chris Lewis, Jack Bateman and Caeron Lewis.

Welcome Guys and thank you for coming to the Twisted Dragon Gaming and Hobbies to join our first Magic: The Gathering Casual Night!

UPDATE 28/10/15

Happy Magic: The Gathering night!
So it's Magic: The Gathering Casual Night tonight at the Twisted Dragon Gaming and Hobbies.
It's free entry before 5:00pm.
And £3 after 5:00pm, and you get a free can with your entry :P heehee!
Games start at 7:30pm.

We're looking forward to you guys coming in and gaming, it's awesome on how many there are of you who are interested.

Tonight it's a free-for-all night:

Constructed or Limited decks are welcome.

For those of you who haven't played the game yet, the 'Constructed' explanation is those who have played the game before and have their own decks already built.

Limited decks are those of you who have never played before - we have a free deck sample for you guys to get started with and you can buy your cards from us to build your decks up!

We have ranked and non-ranked games available for you, so don't worry if you're not confident just yet, there is plenty of time for you to get to know the game and be ranked.

Remember: this isn't a massive serious night - it's casual. We want you guys to have fun and enjoy the game, just as much as we do. So come with your minds completely clear and free, it's all for fun. Just get to know your fellow Gatherers, to get to know us here at the Twisted Dragon Gaming and to build up a great Gathering of regulars.
We also do all week, so even if you can’t join us tonight, we can do this again.
Can’t make the nights? That’s cool, we’re here all day and we’re happy for you to come in during the day - Sit and have a laugh with us.

Hope to see you soon! :D

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

MAGIC: The Gathering now starting in our store

The tables are in guys! #magicthegathering #casual night starts tomorrow - Wednesday 28th October at 7:30pm. 
Doors are open of course before then so come in any time you like, we'll be here 👍

If you wish to join us, you can do so in these few steps - 
If you haven't already:
Go to the Wizard of the coast website and sign up!.
Get your DCI Number
Come to us at the Twisted Dragon Gaming and Hobbies tomorrow night and give it to us so that we can enter you into our Casual Wednesday Night.

We're inviting everyone who plays and who wants to play. 
A small fee is required after 5:00pm but games start at 7:30pm.

Cards are available here to buy also.

Alternatively if you can't make it tomorrow we're here all week! Come in any time and have a game with us! Build up your deck, skills and experience, come with your friends and let's Magic: The Gathering! 

We also have our MAGIC FRIDAYS! 
Same thing, but one thing's different, you'll be meeting up with people who know and love the game more. 
Magic Fridays are our tournament nights. By all means come along and spectate if you wish, you're more than welcome.